Resend to Unopens with One Click

19. May 2015

Many marketers send out a single email broadcast to a contact list and hope for the best. But according to BtoB Online, the average open rate for marketing emails is 19.7%. What about the 80+% that don't open your email after the first send?  Try resending the same campaign to those who haven't opened yet (we call them "Unopens"). You'll probably be surprised how many new Opens you get!

Voodoo now lets you send a duplicate email to your Unopens with just one click—all WITHOUT creating a new email, list or campaign. It only takes a minute.

Voodoo QuickTip #512 - Resend to Unopens

We recommend users visit My Reports (eVideo users visit Tracking Statistics) to check their campaign performance about 24-48 hours after the initial send. Want to send a second email to recipients who haven't yet opened the email?  Just follow these steps: 

1.  Access reports for your campaign: 

Business Builder users access My Reports to view the Campaign Report. 

eVideo Launcher users click View Tracking Statistics and select the campaign. 
My ReportsView Tracking Statistics

2.  Within the Campaign Statistics tab you can view the basic metrics associated with this campaign. Click on the Unopens metric to drill down and see the Unopens. 
Tracking Stats

3.  From the Unopens detail screen, click the green Resend to Unopened button towards the bottom: 

View Unopens

4.  You will then see a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to Resend to Unopened. Click OK. 

4.  It's that easy!

5.  Business Builders can also access the resend feature from the Send Email page.  Just go to Send Email and you will see a list of all your campaigns:

Resend to Unopens from Send Campaign

6.  Then, just click the Resend link next to the campaign you wish to resend to the unopens.   

Wait 24-48 hours after Resending to Unopens then log back in to Voodoo to check your open rate. The new opens will be included in the Campaign Report making your stats cumulative in one easy report: 

Campaign Report

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, eVideo Launcher, New Feature, Quick Tip , ,