5 new Tech Upgrade Teaser Videos now in your Voodoo account

10. July 2017

Voodoo just created a new video tool to generate leads and increase sales through video marketing. Login now and you'll find 5 new Tech Upgrade teaser videos in your account.

These extra-short videos are specially designed for posting to social media and driving traffic to you and your website. 
Prospects who watch them quickly discover how costly it is to use old communications technology in today's customer-centric business environment. 

All 5 teasers are quick attention grabbers with an entertaining payoff — and they're all under 22 seconds long

  1. Map vs GPS:  Old vs. New Business Technology (:15)
  2. Is Your Business Phone Costing or Making You $$$:  Importance of a Business Phone Upgrade for Profitability (:16)
  3. Don't Work Blind:  New Technology gives your the Insight to Earn More (:16)
  4. The Old Technology Time Bomb:  Old Phone Systems are Ready to Explode (:18)
  5.  Don't Let Someone Eat Your Lunch:  Business Competition requires Quick Response (:21)
Is Your Business Phone Costing or Making You $$$

You can post these as often as you like in your twitter, LinkedIn and/or Facebook feeds. Just grab a link from your Video Library, write a little something fun and post. The videos play in your customized frame with your logo and contact information, so all viewer response comes straight to YOU.

Twitter posts will get even more engagement if you also add a thumbnail to you post. We've created thumbnail images for each video and you can grab them here: 

For more information on posting to social media, and tracking the number of views your videos receive, check out our blog post:  Voodoo Feature #502 - How to Post Trackable, Personalized Videos on Your Social Media Accounts

These Tech Upgrade teasers are one more competitive advantage you get from Voodoo — and nowhere else. Now you can use super-short-form video in your social media to generate:

 Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR)
 Higher Engagement Rates
 Higher Conversion Rates

All 5 videos are ready to use right now! 


Build Campaigns, Business Builder, Email Templates & Image Library, eVideo Launcher, New Feature, Quick Tip, Social Media, Video Library & Trackable Links , ,

How to Send a Customer Satisfaction Survey (NPS) using Voodoo Templates

4. May 2017

Voodoo now includes a Customer Satisfaction email template in our Business Builder accounts. It's called the Net Promotoer Score (NPS) Survey. This type of survey allows you to score the quality of relationships you have with your customers. With these templates you can launch a survey to your customers in just a few minutes.  

There are 3 parts to a customer satisfaction survey in Voodoo:

  1. The survey form that customers submit with their numerical rating and comments
  2. The email template that is sent to customers, containing a link to the survey
  3. The contact lists that store and categorize your contacts according to their response

The Net Promoter Survey Template
Your Net Promoter Survey Template is located in My Surveys.

Voodoo NPS Survey Template

IMPORTANT:  Access the Submission Settings tab and update the email address where you want to receive notifications. Don't worry, all submission results will be stored with each contact record, but it's often helpful to receive an email notification, too. 

Update Email

The Email Template
The Customer Satisfaction Email template is located in Customize Emails > NPS Survey Template Folder > Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Voodoo NPS Email Template

Your NPS Contact Lists
The resulting contact lists are located in My Contacts > Net Promote Survey Results > 3 lists labeled Promoters, Passives and Detractors

Voodoo NPS Contact Lists

The email you send out will link to the survey. Each time a contact responds to the survey, they are added to 1 of the 3 contact lists based on the score they give you. You can use these contact lists to reward promoters, fire up passives and remedy detractors. For example, it's often surprisingly effective to send an email to all Promoters asking for customer referrals. 

If you want to check the response of a specific contact, search for the contact in My Contacts, then click the Edit link (pencil icon) and finally, click the Survey Responses tab. 

Contact Record Survey Results

If you currently do not have the survey functionality enabled in your account, and you wish to upgrade, contact support@voodooviral.com.

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, Contact Forms, New Feature, Quick Tip, Survey System , ,

Measure Customer Loyalty with Net Promoter Score

4. May 2017

Do you know how your customers feel about your company and brand? Customer satisfaction surveys are essential to optimizing customer service. At Voodoo, we've seen (and used) many different types of surveys to help businesses gauge customer service performance. One type of survey we always recommend is the Net Promoter Score or NPS Survey. This survey allows you to "score" the quality of your customer relationships usign a standardized measure. 

According to www.netpromoterscore.com, "Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, measures customer experience and predicts business growth. This proven metric transformed the business world and now provides the core measurement for customer experience management programs the world round."

With NPS, you simply survey your customers with one primary question, like this: 

On a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being highest, what’s the likelihood that you would recommend us (our company) to a friend or colleague?

NPS Survey

If a customer scores you as a 9 or a 10, they are promoters. These are customers that are extremely likely to recommend, and even promote your company — your most loyal customers. 

If a customer scores you as a 7 or an 8, they are passive. These customers either haven't really decided how they feel about you, are indifferent, or they just don't care.

If a customer scores 6 or lower, they are a detractor. These are unhappy customers who will give you bad word-of-mouth.

It's also a best practice to add an open-ended question to solicit general feedback. This gives  survey respondents an opportunity to elaborate on the score they gave your company.

Additional Feedback

To determine your overall official NPS score, using the results from the individual surveys, you take the percentage of promoters and subtract the percentage of detractors. That number is your Net Promoter Score. 

Because scores vary widely by industry, you should check benchmarks for your specific industry vertical. npsbenchmarks.com is a useful resource. 

Voodoo offers a Customer Satisfaction (NPS) Email Template to all Business Builder users who have our Survey functionality. You should also have a folder with contact lists added to keep track of your survey responses. To get started with sending an NPS survey to your customers, read our blog post How to Send a Customer Satisfaction Survey (NPS) using Voodoo Templates.

Additional Resources:

If you currently do not have the survey functionality enabled in your account, and you wish to upgrade, contact support@voodooviral.com.

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, Contact Forms, Email Templates & Image Library, New Feature, Quick Tip, Survey System , ,

Voodoo's Most Popular Voodoo Features in 2016

19. January 2017

2016 was an exciting year for Voodoo. We released many new features and loads of new content for our customers use in their campaigns. Here is a quick recap of our most popular changes and additions:

Exclusive Voodoo Telecom Prospecting Videos

Game of Business Play Button

Your account gained value with new videos lovingly created by Voodoo's award-winning video production team. In 2016, we proudly announced 6 exclusive videos (+ companion email campaigns) to boost your VoIP, telecom and Unified Communications prospecting efforts.

All 6 videos are available in standard personal and Digital Business Card (DBC) frames. 

Install Your Own YouTube Videos 

Voodoo Business Builder users
 now can choose any YouTube video, then frame it, share it and track it. Add any YouTube video to your Video Library, then use your branded, personalized Voodoo version for prospecting and customer nurturing.

You can even record a video on your smartphone, then instantly frame it with your logo and contact information. Click the image above to see how this feature works. 

Thumbnail Images for High-Impact Social Posting 

To save time with your social posts and website galleries, we've created a standard set of images for our Exclusive Telecom Prospecting Videos. Use these images in your social media accounts to increase click-through rates.

TelecomProspecting Video Graphics

Click here to access our dropbox folder and download the image thumbnails.

We've also created a set of thumbnail images for Mitel videos.  Click here to access these images


Automatic Bounceback Handling

Voodoo implemented a new, vital, time-saving behind-the-scenes feature in all user accounts called Automatic Bounceback Handling. This essential feature allows you to:

  • keep your lists cleaner
  • improve deliverability rates
  • protect your sender reputation
  • save time!

This new feature keeps all bounced emails out of your personal inbox. It also helps keep your lists clean and gives you more accurate statistics on how your campaigns are performing. 

To learn more about Automatic Bounceback Handling, check out our blog post here


We are now at work building out new features for 2017.  If there are features or improvements you'd like to see in Voodoo, please shoot us an email: support@voodooviral.com

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, Contact / Database Lists, Email Templates & Image Library, eVideo Launcher, New Feature, Quick Tip, Video Library & Trackable Links , , , , , , , ,

Dynamic Personalization with Digital Business Card

23. August 2016

Do you want to enhance your Voodoo campaign results even more?  This QuickTip can you help you do just that with Voodoo's Digital Business Card

Your Digital Business Card (DBC) is like a personalized signature that replaces the footer of your videos' custom frame. You can add a photo, name, office and mobile number, email address and custom sales text.  Using this dynamic personalization can dramatically increase your response rates. Prospects are much more comfortable connect with a real person vs a generic email address. 

Digital Business Card

Using the DBC, people know who they're responding to and it can make a big difference to your results.   At Voodoo, we generally see response rate increases between 3-7% on most campaigns. 

DBC's are available to all our Business Builder Power and Turbo users

To enable your DBCthe first step is to locate a photo that represents your professional identity and is likely to build trust among your prospects and customers. Friendly is good! Go to the Personal Settings area, access the Digital Business Card tab, and upload the photo and enter the data you want shown. Use the
 Preview feature at the bottom of the DBC feature page to see how your photo and frame look when framing the content in your Video Library.

Business Builder Power and Turbo users, if you need help formatting your photo, or with any other part of the DBC, please give me a call or send me an email and we'll get you set up. 

eVideo and Business Builder Basic users, if you are interested in this powerful feature, please just let us know! We would love to chat with you about our Business Builder Power and Turbo Systems, and show you how they can turbo-charge your results. 

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, New Feature, Quick Tip , ,

New Voodoo Feature: Workflow Rules

11. April 2016

Voodoo is excited to announce a new feature for Business Builder users called Workflow Rules. This important automation feature allows campaign owners to add or remove contacts to or from lists based on specific trigger actions.  For example, when a contact opens an email, views a video, clicks a trackable link, they can either be add to or removed from any list. 

Now you can easily automate more campaign actions for effective follow-up with your contacts. And you can easily and automatically segment your lists based on actions that take place. 

Here's how you set up a Workflow Rule: .  

Voodoo QuickTip #832 - Workflow Rules

1)  After you have finished crafting an email template, and you are ready to send a campaign, go into Send Email.  We've added a tab on that page called Workflow Rules.  

2) Click on the Add New Rule button to create a new Workflow Rule. 

3) Give your rule a name. Check what would activate this rule. Choose from the following options (you can select more than one): Email Opened, Survey Link Clicked, Trackable Link Clicked, Video Link Clicked

4) You must save the rule before you can apply the action.  Once you click save, then select the action you want to occur when the contact performs the trigger action(s) above. The options are to add contact to a list or remove contact from a list. 

Once the Workflow rule is saved and enabled, the actions will take place. Below are are two  popular scenarios to use this feature for: 

Scenario 1:  Create Follow-Up Lists
Workflow Rules makes it easy to access contacts that require a call back or need additional follow-up. Set up a Workflow Rule to create a Call Back/Follow-Up List based on a specific Trigger, for example when a contact opens an email and then set an Action to add the contact to a specific list you choose.

Trigger Opened Email 

Action > Add Matching Contacts to ListWarm Lead List or Email Open List

Scenario 2:  Continue Marketing to a Specific Audience that has Shown Interest
Workflow Rules makes it easier to continue marketing to a specific audience after capturing initial interest. Many times an email is created with text for a specific situation (met at trade show, spoke on phone, etc). If the recipient of that email was to then to view a video, you could put them into a contact list attached to a funnel to follow up with more content related to that video. 

Trigger > Viewed Video 
Action > Add Matching Contacts to List: Nurturing Contact List attached to Funnel 

Of course, there are many other ways to use Workflow Rules. Review your campaigns to see how you can use this feature to save time and automate your follow-up.

Build Campaigns, Business Builder, New Feature, Quick Tip

Voodoo's Automatic Bounceback Handling

4. February 2016

Here's a vital time-saving behind-the-scenes feature now active in all Voodoo user accounts: Automatic Bounceback Handling!

The Old Way

As you know, Voodoo sends emails directly from the address you enter in your Personal Settings. In the past, that meant that when an email “bounced,” you received an "undeliverable mail" message from postmaster@voodooviral.com or directly from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) that rejected the email.

These notifications usually contained system-generated error messages offering more information about why the mail has bounced.  These messages were helpful, but they could clog up your email inbox—especially for large campaigns. Voodoo has always recommended that our users use these bounceback notifications to clean their lists and keep things current. But it was a time-consuming pain!

The New Improved Way

Voodoo now includes Automatic Bounceback Handling, allowing you to:

  • keep your lists cleaner
  • improve deliverability rates
  • protect your sender reputation
  • save time!

Voodoo QuickTip #195 - Automatic Bounceback Handling

After sending a campaign, its a good practice to login to Voodoo and check your campaign statistics/reports. 

Business Builder users can access their reports by logging in and clicking the My Reports icon.

eVideo Launcher users can access their reports by logging in and clicking the View Tracking Statistics button.

Bounced Emails are now included in the Failed Count within the Campaign Report as well as the Funnel Statistics (for Business Builder Users). This gives you a more accurate view of  campaign performance.

To access the email addresses for contact records that have failed, simply access the Campaign Report and look at the Failed count located with the Total Contacts, Sent and Opt-Out counts).  

Once you locate the Failed count in the report, click it to see each recipient email address that failed or bounced. 
Failed Count Included in Campaign Report

In the detail view, you will see specific contact email addresses that bounced. This view also includes an Error Code for each contact record. Hover your mouse over the Error Code for a description of the code. 
Error Code Description

Business Builder Users: for Funnels, go into the Funnel Report, either via My Reports, or from Funnel Statistics. Click the plus icon next to Failed to see detail on each failed contact. 

Sales Funnel

An email can bounce for many reasons. The most common is an invalid email address but you will encounter many other reasons, too.  Email bounces fall into two main categories:  soft- and hard-bounces.  

soft-bounce is usually a temporary failure like a mailbox that is full or temporarily unavailable. When a soft-bounce occurs, Voodoo includes it in the Failed count, but the contact remains active and can keep being used in new campaigns.  

hard-bounce is usually a permanent failure.  As previously mentioned, invalid email addresses are the most common hard-bounce. In the case of a hard-bounce, the contact record will be noted with an automatic opt-out and will not be sent any future emails. 

This new feature saves you time and frustration by keeping all bounced emails out of your personal inbox. It also helps keep your lists clean and gives you more accurate statistics on how your campaigns are performing! 

Business Builder, Deliverability, eVideo Launcher, New Feature , , ,