Measure Customer Loyalty with Net Promoter Score

4. May 2017

Do you know how your customers feel about your company and brand? Customer satisfaction surveys are essential to optimizing customer service. At Voodoo, we've seen (and used) many different types of surveys to help businesses gauge customer service performance. One type of survey we always recommend is the Net Promoter Score or NPS Survey. This survey allows you to "score" the quality of your customer relationships usign a standardized measure. 

According to, "Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, measures customer experience and predicts business growth. This proven metric transformed the business world and now provides the core measurement for customer experience management programs the world round."

With NPS, you simply survey your customers with one primary question, like this: 

On a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being highest, what’s the likelihood that you would recommend us (our company) to a friend or colleague?

NPS Survey

If a customer scores you as a 9 or a 10, they are promoters. These are customers that are extremely likely to recommend, and even promote your company — your most loyal customers. 

If a customer scores you as a 7 or an 8, they are passive. These customers either haven't really decided how they feel about you, are indifferent, or they just don't care.

If a customer scores 6 or lower, they are a detractor. These are unhappy customers who will give you bad word-of-mouth.

It's also a best practice to add an open-ended question to solicit general feedback. This gives  survey respondents an opportunity to elaborate on the score they gave your company.

Additional Feedback

To determine your overall official NPS score, using the results from the individual surveys, you take the percentage of promoters and subtract the percentage of detractors. That number is your Net Promoter Score. 

Because scores vary widely by industry, you should check benchmarks for your specific industry vertical. is a useful resource. 

Voodoo offers a Customer Satisfaction (NPS) Email Template to all Business Builder users who have our Survey functionality. You should also have a folder with contact lists added to keep track of your survey responses. To get started with sending an NPS survey to your customers, read our blog post How to Send a Customer Satisfaction Survey (NPS) using Voodoo Templates.

Additional Resources:

If you currently do not have the survey functionality enabled in your account, and you wish to upgrade, contact

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