How to Delete Contacts Without Affecting Stats

27. January 2015

One of your goals this year may be to clean up the contacts in your Voodoo account.  In our 3-part series on Deliverability we wrote about how you can use non-delivery email messages to clean your contact listsThere are many ways to clean up your databases and this QuickTip focuses on the best way to remove a contact.  You may wish to remove contacts because: 

  • You've received a non-delivery (bounceback) message
  • You no longer wish to send email to this contact (not a lead)
  • The contact has informed you that you have the incorrect person at a company


Before you delete a Contact Record or remove a Contact from a Contact List, please learn about this important tip:

Voodoo QuickTip #488 - How to Delete a Contact Record without affecting Stats

Voodoo Reports and Statistics are compiled based on the Contact List a Campaign was sent to, compiling data for each individual Contact Record in that list.  If you remove a Contact Record from a Contact List, the statistics associated with that contact will be removed, permanently altering campaign stats.  In other words, the Reports and Statistics for the Campaign will not include that record in its counts anymore (sent, open, etc).  

Tracking Stats

For some users, having individual Contact Records drop out of Reports and Statistics for certain Email Campaigns doesn't much matter.  In those cases, they can delete the Contact if they wish to. But for other users, it may be important to maintain accurate statistics by keeping all Contacts in the Campaign Statistic counts.

One best practice that we recommend to Voodoo users is to create a separate Contact List for each and every Campaign and Funnel. For example, if you set up a campaign for January 2015 Promotions, it is best to create a Contact List specifically for that Campaign (and name it January 2015 Promotions Contacts). This will help keep your contacts and campaigns organized and allow for permanent and accurate stats.

Opt-out instead of Delete

Voodoo recommends that users opt-out individual Contact Records that they no longer wish to send email to. By opting-out instead of deleting, all Reports and Statistics will stay unaffected and the Contact will no longer receive email from you.

To opt-out a single Contact from your Voodoo system, follow these steps:

1.  Voodoo Business Builder users access My Contacts from the nav bar, eVideo Launcher users access Contact Lists from the Manage Contacts button.

2.  Search for the Contact's email address using the Search for A Contact button

Search for a Contact

3.  Click the Pencil icon to edit the Contact Record 

4.  On the Contact Info Tab select the box for Optout  

5.  Click Update to save your changes to the Contact.

Your Contact is now opted-out of receiving any further email from your Voodoo system.  

When a Contact is opted-out they will also appear in the automatically generated Opt-Out Contact List maintained by the Voodoo system.  You can view this list by accessing your Contact Lists.

Opt Out Contact List

To opt a Contact back into receiving email, simply access this Opt Out Contacts List, edit the Contact and uncheck the Optout box. 

Contact / Database Lists, eVideo Launcher, Tracking Statistics, Business Builder , , , , , , , , , ,

Part 1: What are Email Undeliverables & Bouncebacks

29. October 2014

This is part 1 of a 3 part QuickTip series that focuses on email deliverability. In this series we will talk about: 

  • What are undeliverable & bouncebacks emails
  • Using undeliverable emails to clean your lists
  • Other aspects of email that affect deliverability


Have you emailed to prospect and customer lists before?

Are you aware that about 30% of email addresses go bad each year?


Here’s how to be ready for undeliverables and bouncebacks. And how they can actually help you improve your sales and marketing efforts.


I’m launching my first Voodoo campaign. How many undeliverables and bouncebacks will happen?


Probably quite a few. 

Email lists go stale, and it happens surprisingly fast. Due to job changes, people signing up for new personal accounts and abandoning old accounts, it’s common for about 30% of email addresses to go bad each year! 

So BEFORE sending any campaigns, ask yourself:

• Do I have express permission to email these contacts or a transactional business relationship with them? 
• Has my contact list been cleaned and validated in the past year?

If the answer to either of these questions is no, you should expect a significant percentage of your emails to bounceback or not get delivered. Voodoo clients commonly report delivery failures representing between 5 and 30% of a Contact List the first time they broadcast to it.  It can be surprising…  

But keep some perspective.  While it can be disappointing to have delivery failures, always keep your marketing goals in mind.  Bulk email broadcasts are designed to leverage the efficiency of one-to-many outreach, which carries the highest ROI of any form of digital marketing*.  By sending these campaigns, you will generate far more opportunity than if you DON’T send them just for fear of non-delivery! 

*Source: Direct Marketing Association 

Why aren’t all my emails getting delivered?

Bad emails are a primary reason, but there’s more to it than that.  When you send a campaign from Voodoo, our system and servers mimic (the technical term is “spoof”) your email address. Unless you take precautions, some receiving Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will reject your email as suspicious.


Vital Tip: Follow Voodoo’s instructions to install Sender Policy Framework on YOUR outgoing email server. This will authorize Voodoo’s email servers to mimic your address and send on your behalf. This usually improves deliverability significantly.


Second Vital Tip: Spend a little extra to get your email list cleaned, validated and data-matched. Voodoo offers these services and you can find out more by clicking here.  It may seem counter-intuitive, but cleaning your list and removing inactive contacts often generates MORE opportunity. Your Sender Reputation improves and Open and Click-Through rates often increase, even though you’re sending to a smaller list. 


Voodoo automatically captures Undeliverables and interprets Error Codes.


Voodoo prevents your email in-box from getting flooded with non-delivery messages by capturing your undeliverable email. They are compiled under the Failed category in your Voodoo reports and statistics.


Clicking the word “Failed” opens the list of emails that failed to deliver. Each displays an associated Error Code. We constantly parse and analyze returned emails to determine the reasons for non-delivery and to make additional improvements where possible. 


Some failures occur due to improper email addressing or formatting. Error codes of 500 and above indicate a permanent failure. Hover your cursor over each number for a pop-up explanation.



How do my initial delivery results compare to others?


Once your campaign has been out the door for at least a week, take a moment to check your Voodoo Tracking Statistics and calculate your estimated non-delivery rate. Take the number of Failed emails with an error code of 500 and above and divide it into the number of emails you originally sent. For example, if you received 13 such Fails out of the 100 you sent, you likely have a 13% non-delivery rate. Remember, anywhere from 5-30% is normal.


Compare this to your campaign’s Open and Click-Through rates. As a general rule, if your open rate is 10% or more, you’re doing fine and your ongoing campaigns are likely to generate real opportunities for you.  If your Click-Through Rate is 5% or more of the number of Opens, you’re on the right track. 


Remember, digital marketing and Automated Video Communications are a process. You can work on improving these numbers over time in a variety of ways.


What else affects email deliverability?

In addition to email address changes, non-delivery of email can happen for a variety of reasons.  Some of the most common are: 

Active Content embedded in the email.  Video links, trackable links, survey links and graphics are considered active content by receiving ISPs.  Most campaigns from Voodoo contain one or more links to active content—probably more than you otherwise send. Most ISPs allow active content within specific parameters, but if spam filters are set more aggressively some messages may not get through.  If you have a problem with a specific recipient, we recommend asking them to add your email address to their safe-sender list.

The Destination Server is temporarily unavailable.  When this occurs, Voodoo automatically tries to resend your email—a total of three times over a 72-hour period.  Many such messages get through on the second or third attempt. 

Unauthorized Sender.  If receiving ISPs check and find no record of SPF or other authorization on your outgoing email server allowing Voodoo to send on your behalf, the email may be rejected as potential spam.

Sender reputation. Voodoo’s sender reputation and your own sender reputation (or lack of one) may jointly be factored into whether specific ISPs block delivery of your message. We often encounter new clients whose email domain has not yet sent enough bulk email to have a sender reputation ranking.  Be patient and stick to your plan.  

What about blacklists and whitelists? 


Voodoo is considered a “very high volume sender” of email. We stand alongside a legion of reputable third-party email providers who serve the purpose of email list management and bulk email broadcasting on behalf of thousands upon thousands of US companies. 

Our reputation metrics and blacklist status are monitored constantly through services such as ReturnPath and MX Toolbox. We monitor close to 100 blacklists and have appeared on no known blacklist services in the past five years or more. In addition, we take direct action to stay whitelisted with many internet service providers including Verizon, Time Warner, Comcast, Cox and others.


We rely on customers like you to install SPF so your emails are KNOWN to be legitimate by receiving ISPs. This helps further improve Voodoo's sender reputation, so we really appreciate it! 

We also appreciate you letting us know if you are having delivery problems with any particular email provider. This can sometimes occur as the result of a settings change or system upgrade at the provider, and can usually be rectified within 72 hours. 

Part 2 of this series will explain how to use bouncebacks & undeliverable email notices to clean your lists.

Business Builder, Deliverability, eVideo Launcher, Quick Tip , , ,

Handling Email Undeliverables: Tips for Large-Scale Broadcasters

25. March 2014

Do your contact lists often contain more than 1,000 opt-in recipients? 

Follow these tips to avoid headaches and maximize results!

Voodoo is a departure from most other commercial email broadcasting services—and the differences offer superior, True Personalization™ of your outgoing campaigns.


We don’t brand your “From” address with our company name, the way other large email services do. (They do this primarily for their own protection, with the convenient advantage that it puts their company name in the address line of every outgoing email from every one of their customers—it’s great advertising for them!)  

Using Sender Policy Framework and other advanced techniques, Voodoo sends your campaigns from the actual email address entered on your account’s Personal Settings page.  Your Voodoo emails are really from YOU, and that’s all your prospects and customers see.  


Why is True Personalization important?

It’s a key reason why Voodoo campaigns generate measurably higher response and click-through rates. For individual accounts, if contacts have already approved you as a sender, they don’t have to re-approve messages you send from Voodoo.  

Are their any challenges to this approach?
Only one—it prevents Voodoo from automatically scrubbing your lists of undeliverables— the ones you send to dead mailboxes or where the filters simply won’t let anything through. With Voodoo, undeliverables get returned to YOU, not us.  (We cannot and do not intercept emails being returned to you for obvious reasons.)


Handling Large-Scale Broadcasts

To avoid potential floods to your personal email in-box, we recommend that you set up a unique email address/account specifically for larger Voodoo campaigns. Set up a smart folder in Outlook (or other email client) to capture these undeliverables. It’s usually as easy as creating a simple multi-criteria rules, as shown below:


Once your campaign has been sent for at least a week, you are welcome to provide these returned emails to Voodoo for parsing and scrubbing. NOTE: This is usually only necessary on the first couple of broadcasts.  Yes, it adds a manual step, but the True Personalization of outgoing campaigns is worth it!

Business Builder, Contact / Database Lists, Deliverability, eVideo Launcher, Quick Tip ,